All the buzz around “Honeybee”: Fairhazel’s sweetest single

By Julia Norkus

Happy 2.22! To celebrate, indie-folk artist Fairhazel released “Honeybee” — the perfect burst of energy I needed to get through today. 

The solo project of Hugh Macdonald (he/him), Fairhazel has been releasing olkie-folkie bangers since 2018, with no signs of slowing down. With elements of synthesizer, happy “da da da’s” and even a tambourine, the former Berklee student didn’t write just any song about the trials and tribulations of love. He completely funked up the cliché concept’s highs, lows and all the moments in between, happily encompassing all of the things that make loving another person worth it with a bounce.

“Honeybee” is stacked with explosive sounds and lyrics that embody the love we wish to give and receive. Macdonald establishes his wit and lyrical prowess with lines like, “If it wasn’t for women / we’d never learn to get it right.” I audibly laughed when I heard this, feeling a little too seen by a song written by a male artist. In a lot of my previous relationships and situationships, I’ve felt like I was merely a lesson to the people I was with and hopefully have taught others to be better future partners. It feels as though Macdonald is referencing becoming a better person because of those he’s loved, learning and growing from every romantic relationship to get him to this one.

The intensity of this emotion is further encapsulated later on in the song, “I’ll be aching for you / ‘til I’m one hundred and twelve.” It’s this act of never tiring of another person, this excitement about being with them constantly that makes it all worth it.

If you’re into angel numbers, “Honeybee”’s release on Feb. 22 (the second month and the twenty-second day) is pretty beautiful. A number that symbolizes harmony and balanced relationships coupled with the release of a song about love and partnership, is the perfect song for a day revolving around harmony and blissful relations. 

In the wake of Valentine’s day and amidst the weather-whiplash in Boston this past week, “Honeybee” is the perfect burst of sunshine to brighten up these dreary days. Whether you’re in love or recovering from love gone awry, “Honeybee” is here to carry you through with a “da da da” and a smooch on the forehead.