***DJ FAQ***

What’s the deal with having a show?

WECB offers students the chance to create their own radio show with our station. It can be a one to two hour program, and your show can pretty much be anything you want! Our shows are not limited to music so if a talk show, radio play, or some other creative form of audio content interests you we’d love to hear about. All we ask is that you’re prepared to commit to a weekly spot on air and have a clear cut idea for your show. We’re super supportive of all your wacky ideas, but with that said WECB is definitely not a platform for any kinds hate speech or harmful rhetoric.

What are y’all looking for in a good show pitch?

What really interests our programming team are unique, clear, and well-articulated pitches! Telling us that you just want to have a show and plan to play your favorite music is not a pitch! We want to know why we need YOU specifically on the station, why your idea stands out from the crowd, and how you plan to sustain your content throughout the entire semester. The people who impress us the most are the ones that come well prepared with their ideas, with strong playlists/ or strong central themes for their show, and clear enthusiasm for being a part of WECB. Just get creative and have a clear idea of what you want your show to be about!

Can I play explicit music?

Yes! We now allow our DJs to play music with explicit lyrics (within reason, nothing too abhorrent) at any time of the day. The only catch is that you, yourself as a DJ are NOT allowed to swear on-air.

Can I pitch more than one show?

No! You are only allowed to be a member of one show per semester. Pick your best idea and stick with it- you can always do your other idea next semester. 

How many people can be a part of one show?

Each show can have up to three hosts. This is the maximum of people allowed in our studio at any time. All hosts must attend every show of the semester unless of an emergency situation arises.

Can I have guests on my show?

Yes! You can have both Emerson and non-Emerson guests on your show. You just have to submit a guest request each time. However, you must follow the three person maximum in the studio policy. 

I had a show last semester. Do I have to re-apply?

Yes! All DJs intending to return to WECB must reapply in order to do so. All returning DJs must submit an application, interview, and go through the re-training process in order to have a show again. This is non-negotiable.

Can I start a show mid-semester?

No, we have a hiring process at the beginning of every semester and fill all our available programming time. If you missed out on applications this time there are many other ways to get involved in our organization while you wait for next semester!

Do I need to sign up for an interview?

Prospective DJs- Yes! You can find the interview sign up sheet on the WECB Instagram page. 

Other Teams- After your application has been reviewed by the Heads of whatever team you are applying for, they will contact you to arrange an interview.

Can I receive a non-tuition credit for WECB?

Yes! All members of WECB receive a non-tuition credit for their participation with our org at the end of each semester, if they are in continued in good-standing. (As long as you follow our rules and participate as expected you’ll be in good-standing!) However, it is important to note that students may only receive one non-tuition credit per semester, and a total of four non-tuition credits during their time at Emerson. 

I have more questions. Who can I talk to?

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Aidan O’Flaherty, who is the General Manager of the station. You can reach him at gm@wecb.fm

Is there a place I can give feedback on my experience in WECB?

WECB wants to make sure we create a safe and inclusive environment as a student organization. If you have any concerns or would like to report an incident of bias within WECB, please feel free to fill out this form and we will work to address the situation appropriately. This form should take about 10-15 minutes to fill out and you have the option to remain anonymous. Click “share a concern”.