DJ Profile: Vincent Kunawicz, the new host for ASIA Radio Hour

By Diogo Fernandes Tavares

WECB’s newest host Vincent Kunawicz is looking forward to having an outlet for discussing Asian and Asian diaspora topics. Kunawicz, a second year VMA major, is a host of the ASIA Radio Hour for the Asian Students in Alliance. The show (hosted by Kunawicz and Isabel Moon) will be aired on  on Fridays at 12. He is thrilled to start hosting. 

“Our goal is to create a program that will give Asian students another space to have Asian-centered discussions,” Kunawicz said. The show is fulfilling the need for Kunawicz “to celebrate achievements, projects, or events that would be special to Asian students at this institution. I think it's a great space for us to dive into our heritage, to appreciate the cultures of Asian people, and to acknowledge how our cultures shape us.”

 “I believe that trying to understand your own identity is a process.” Kunawicz is from Manila, Philippines.“We all continue to find out about and recognize parts of our character as we interact with everything around us.”

On his show, Kunawicz wants to realize his mission:providing joy. “I felt like there needed to be an attempt to seek out what brings us joy.” Kunawicz added “There is a tendency, at least in the US, for the experiences of people of color to be significant only when it's about their struggles.” 

ASIA Radio Show is a new show, still finding their structure. The show will be sending out forms for people interested to talk about topics and pitches. To fill the show with joy, the hosts will be playing games with guests at the end of the program. 

This show’s goal cannot be realized without help. “Isabel Moon, who is one of the co-executives of ASIA, and I are the people leading this project (with a lot of support from WECB's own Jo Malicdem),” Kunawizc said.  “But, we also want other Asian students to participate. In that sense, we do want to make it a more interactive program and get other Asian students as guests or even guest hosts.”

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