Photos: Elephant TalKc, Makeout Palace, The Camgirls, & Speakerhug @ Venus in Brighton, MA.

Staff photographer and local music scene extraordinaire Will Ingman photographed Elephant TalKc, Makeout Palace, The Camgirls, and Speakerhug at Venus in Brighton, MA on November 11, 2022.

Elephant TalKc

Elephant TalKc is - Marco Tewlow (he/him): Vocals, Keys, Dooho Han (he/they): Guitar, Andrew MacMurray (he/him): Guitar, Anthony Rocazella (he/him): Bass, Chuck Le (he/him): Drums

Makeout Palace

Makeout Palace is - Colin Ratcliff (he/him): Guitar, Vocals, Eva Levin (she/her): Bass, Vocals, Aidan Shapero (he/him): Drums

The Camgirls

The Camgirls are - Cameron Johnson Sivo (he/him): Lead Vocals, Guitar, Saxophone, Nathan Tang (he/him): Saxophone, Backing Vocals, Jack Hansen (he/him): Keys, Jake Blachford (he/him): Bass, Hersh Tandon (they/he): Drums


Speakerhug is - Alexis Pappas (she/her): Rhythm Guitar, Lead Vocals,Connor Barker (he/him): Lead Guitar, Backing Vocals, Gabe Winston-Bailey (he/him): Bass, Brendan Fullerton (he/him): Drums