Photos: Hadal Void, Nailed Shut, and Pistacia

By Will Ingman

On December 13, staff photographer Will Ingman photographed Hadal Void, Nailed Shut, and Pistacia @ The Jungle in Somerville, MA .

Hadal Void

Hadal Void is Spencer Soodeck (he/him) - Vocals, Guitar, Adam Tomcho (he/him) - Bass, and Roy Jurado (he/him) - Drums.

Nailed shut

Nailed Shut is: Asher Thomas (he/him) - Vocals, Joel Arnall (he/they) - Guitar, Mason Roth (he/him) - Guitar, Owen Chepow (he/him) - Bass, and Jake Thompson (he/him) - Drums.


Pistacia is: Vic Gregg (they/them) - Vocals, Ben Sonsire-Cummings (he/him) - Guitar, Ron Bernhaut (he/him) - Bass, and Thomson Estabrook (he/him) - Drums.

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