Origin Stories: How'd We Get Here?

Design by Sarah Fournell

By Harry Bates

I was walking into the Iwasaki Library in September of last year when I first encountered Milk Crate. A vivid 8-by-12 inch poster with the now iconic floral design by former Editor-in-Chief Lily Hartenstein peered through a flurry of countless student club announcements. I grabbed the poster off the wall, walked it into the Iwasaki’s West stacks, sat down at one of those sturdy pine tables overlooking the Alley, and began submitting my Google Form application. I had no experience in writing for a music publication, but the mere thought of being able to write about the Grateful Dead, Neal Franics, Janis Joplin, and all the other artists that I ardently adore blew my mind to think about. I had to give it a shot.

It’s been over a year now since I first stumbled upon that poster, and I honestly couldn’t be any happier with my decision to join this bizarre group of music-crazed people that I’m now lucky to call my friends.

I asked other clubmates how they ended up at WECB’s Milk Crate, and here’s what they had to say:

Anya ‘25: “Before I even got to Emerson in 2021, I dreamed of having my own radio show on WECB. Little did I know, they also had a music publication that I could design for where I’d constantly be referred to as [a] “Milky.” Dream come true.”

Lily S. ‘26: “When I saw the Milk Crate table [at the Org Fair as a freshman] I was instantly intrigued. Looking at the website later, I was surprised that a publication could be solely about music. I love music, but I never thought I would be able to incorporate it into my writing, so I was quick to sign up.

Isa ‘25: “My bestie Karenna has been thriving at Milk Crate since last year, and I decided to stretch my music-writing skills through MC because of her<3”

Nora ‘24: “I had a class with Lily when they were EIC of Milk Crate, and I, EIC of WERS’ music blog. We talked about how some viewed our teams as rivals but really something familial was more appropriate— Milk Crate was WERS’ “edgy-rebellious cousin,” I think Lily put it. We established that there was nothing but love between our teams and I joined Milk Crate the very next semester, confident that it was a place I’d feel I belonged.”

Patrick ‘23: “I’ve always wanted to write about music, but never really had the outlet, and found out about the Milk Crate application WAY too late and had nothing to submit. However, I remembered that, for a goof while trapped in traffic on vacation, that I wrote an article on Pavement out of complete boredom. I submitted that and the rest is history!”

Lily H. ‘22: “I joined Milk Crate in Fall 2019, hired onto the team as the first ever zine designer. That was the first semester Milk Crate was called such; previously, it had been known as WECB's Music Staff. Our directors at the time were Simon Luedke and Gabby Mrozowski. I was recruited by Gabby as a zine designer since she's a close friend of mine and knew my background in the format. I absolutely love zine and everything else about Milk Crate and eventually became director!”

Stephanie ‘24: “When [I] began my transfer to Emerson from another local institution, I had a friend who was a part of WECB.fm and encouraged me to get involved with it. When I got to Emerson, I obviously went to the org fair and saw how cool Milk Crate was ... of course I had to join!!”

Sienna ‘26: “Music had been a major component of my life until college started and I felt like I’d lost a part of me this year. Then I found WECB and Milk Crate at the Org. fair. Milk Crate specifically felt so inclusive, like a friend group who just loves to talk about music.”

Nathan ‘26: “I found the wonderful organization of WECB Milk Crate through the Emerson Org fair. They had a cute little table and I'm oh so glad I put down my name.”

Anne ‘24: “I saw you guys at the Org Fair and was really interested in joining!”

Karenna ‘25: “I saw a poster in Walker one day and applied on a whim. I wanted a way to practice my journalistic skills and expand my music taste at the same time. I had no idea what a great community WECB and Milk Crate would provide me, how much advice I would get at Wednesday workshops, and how much incredible music I would get to read about.”

Will ‘24: “I was in a photojournalism class with our old EIC, and they recommended I join Milk Crate after I said I was unhappy at another music mag.”

Adri Pray ‘25: “I heard about Milk Crate through Izzy, who encouraged me to come to a meeting last year.”

Maura ‘23: “I stumbled across Milk Crate at the org fair my sophomore year when I was chatting with a friend on the WECB live team-- I applied that night and never looked back.”

In summary, the Crate is a great place to be; we’re an inclusive community of music junkies that bond over a joint interest of mind-bending sound.

Tyler ‘23: “My friend Sarah is an Editor in Chief and I would always see her post about Milk Crate and I was looking for a way to get into photography during my last semester in Boston!”

Mo ‘26 : “I found you guys at the WECB table at the org fair! Seemed cool, so I signed up with a friend.”

Farah ‘26: “I found Milk Crate at the Org Fair earlier in the school year. So I signed up and here I am!”

Izzy ‘25: “I visited WECB’s booth at the org fair last fall and I knew immediately that this was the place for me. I can’t remember who I talked to, but they were so kind and approachable. Freshman year can feel incredibly daunting at times, especially when navigating your way through extracurriculars and building social circles. WECB and Milk Crate welcomed me with open arms. I am forever grateful for the work I’ve been able to produce and the people I’ve met through this organization.”

Julia ‘24: “I was on the WECB instagram one day last semester and saw a post with the coolest graphic: a milk crate with flower power. I fell in love that day, and I’ve been milking ever since.”

Sarah ‘23: “As I reflect back on my time on the Milk Crate, I truly cannot remember how I started out here. I cannot remember how I found out about Milk Crate. All I remember is the anxiety I had about applying, since I was a VMA with no journalism experience. I remember meticulously writing a fake article about Taylor Swift’s folklore and hoping that whoever read it was either a Swiftie or could look past the fact that I didn’t quite know what I was doing. The EIC at the time, Lily, was not a Swiftie but took a chance on me despite my inexperience. I have to admit, I’m still not fully sure I know what I’m doing, but with the friends I’ve made here, I know that anything can be achieved.”

Is this the moment that sparks your origin story at Milk Crate? If you’re interested in joining the team; feel free to connect with us at milkcrate@wecb.fm, over on our instagram @milkcrate.wecb, or just look around campus at the beginning of each semester for one of our outreach posters. We’re always looking to expand our coverage of the student music scene at our corner of Boylston and Tremont streets and beyond! We’d love to hear from you.

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