A Playlist for a Sunset Flagstaff Hill Celebration

By Harry Bates

We’re finally two-thirds of the way through April, and we’ve got music to help you celebrate this extravagant occasion. Allow these tunes to keep you company while you lay back and enjoy the grasslands of the Common. Scroll down for a complete compilation available on Spotify.

“China Cat Sunflower - Live in Paris 1972 Version” by the Grateful Dead

If there’s a better song to catch some rays than “China Cat Sunflower,” I’ve yet to hear it. Nothing warms the heart quite like the beginning guitar picks of this tune, inviting you to a world of vibrant color and vivid imagination. It’s the perfect sound to bring you along on this musical journey.

“Barely Alive” by Yola

I absolutely love the airy, laid back nature of this Yola hit. “Barely Alive” lifts its listeners up into the Earth’s upper troposphere, granting us an ability to leap from one pillowy cloud to the next. I hope you’re not afraid of heights!

“Can’t Live Without Your Love” by Neal Francis

The warm piano chords in “Can’t Live Without Your Love” speak to the human heart in an intimate way, establishing an interconnected experience between instrument and soul. Francis’ voice compliments this raw emotion, and, before you know it, you’ll have fallen hard for this sentimental sound.

Easy Come, Easy Go” by Cass Elliot

I took a class last semester on Japanese history and aesthetics, and we always talked about how Japanese culture values a certain beauty in impermanence, that things in all ways are constantly changing. Cass Elliot’s cover of “Easy Come, Easy Go” reflects a similar understanding to this, as she sings that embracing this constant change is sometimes much more comforting than outrightly refusing it. The song carries a reassuring tone that is always welcome in a world where one can become easily lost by an ever changing scene.

Sunday Morning” by Amanaz

The soothing grooves of this Zamrock classic calm even the most energetic of listeners, as its passive tempo enables listeners to reflect on the soft sound waves entering their eardrums. “Sunday Morning” has no surprises, leaving its enjoyers with an experience of complete comfort and satisfaction.

You Set the Scene – 2015 Remaster” by Love

“You Set the Scene” buckles its listeners in, and drives them around town in a smooth coasting car journey. An interesting blend of familiarity and experimentation defines this track, and it’s perfect for watching the sun’s rays reflect and refract off of the Pru, Hancock, and Berkeley buildings’ glass panels.

Steve Pink” by Chaz Bundick Meets The Mattson 2

Lily, one of the directors here at Milk Crate and our resident Taurus stellium, suggested that I include some Chaz Bundick Meets The Mattson 2 to the mix, and I simply couldn’t resist adding this cosmic catalyst of sound to this magic carpet ride of a playlist. Thanks for the suggestion, Lily!

Suzie Q” by Creedence Clearwater Revival

I fall for the tambourine and drums in “Suzie Q” every single time, so it would be an absolute disservice to not include this certified banger to the list. Here’s an opportunity to get up and dance on Flagstaff’s budding green grasses, or just take the opportunity to play cards on a picnic blanket. This is your time to experience all of the beauties of the Boston Common during this time of year, so make sure to take advantage of the parkland’s great vibes before the semester comes to an end next week.

Fly Like An Eagle” by Steve Miller Band

By now, the Sun has definitely fallen below the horizon line of Back Bay’s historic brownstones, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the warmth of the day has to dissipate so fast. The sky continues to illuminate with a gorgeous orange glow for quite some time, meaning that this is a great opportunity to pair this cinematic experience with the vibrant organ playing and unbridled synth features showcased in “Fly Like An Eagle.” The gradual ending of this song, complete with sounds of howling wind and computerized signals, is the perfect way to conclude our musical journey on this spectacular day.

Thank you for flying with WECB’s Milk Crate, and we hope to see you again sometime soon.

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