Ode to the Clarinet

It seems the quintessential American experience to be, at one point in fifth grade, sat down by your music teacher and asked to choose the instrument that will define your musical experience through middle and, for some, high school. With deep concentration and a furrowed brow I made the valiant choice of learning to play the clarinet.

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Staff Pix 2/24: On Repeat

The Milk Crate staff’s favorite tracks of the week from their ‘On Repeat’ Spotify playlist, presented with blurbs worthy of a promotional sticker on a jewel case. Tune in Fridays from 2-3 EST to the Staff Pix radio show.

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All the buzz around “Honeybee”: Fairhazel’s sweetest single

With elements of synthesizer, happy “da da da’s” and even a tambourine, the former Berklee student didn’t write just any song about the trials and tribulations of love. He completely funked up the cliché concept’s highs, lows and all the moments in between, happily encompassing all of the things that make loving another person worth it with a bounce.

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